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Rozenblat, S.², Nitzan, T.², Matz Vaisman, T.², Shusel, R., Rum, Y., Ashtamker, M., Golan, O., Dinstein, I., & Koller, J. (2024). Autistic children and their parents in the context of war: Preliminary findings. Disability and Society: Research and Practice (3). (Hebrew).

Barami, T., Manelis-Baram, L., Kaiser, H., Ilan, M., Slobodkin, A., Hadashi, O., Hadad, D., Waissengreen, D., Nitzan, T., Menashe, I., Michaelovsky, A., Begin, M., Zachor, D., Sadaka, Y., Koller, J., Zagdon, D., Meiri, G., Azencot, O., Sharf, A., & Dinstein, I. (2024). Automated identification and quantification of stereotypical movements from video recordings of children with ASD. JAMA Network Open

David Cohen, T.², Koller, J., Duku, E., Kata, A., Anderson, C., Bennett, T., Cauwenbergs, A., Dekker, K., Di Rezze, B., Drmic, I., Eerkes, J., Gentles, S. J., Georgiades, K., Hoult, L., Kraus De Camargo, O., Mahoney, W., Mesterman, R., Ng, O., Robertson, S., Roncadin, C., Rosenbaum, P., and Georgiades, S. (2024). Brief Report: Pilot findings from the PARC Study: The interaction between autism symptomatology and adaptive functioning over a six-month period. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Rozenblat, S.², Nitzan, T.², Matz Vaisman, T.², Shusel, R., Rum, Y., Ashtamker, M., Golan, O., Dinstein, I., & Koller, J.  (2024). Short Communication: Autistic Children in the Context of War: Preliminary Findings. Stress and Health

Kata A., McPhee P.G., Chen Y., et al. (2024). The Pediatric Autism Research Cohort (PARC) Study: protocol for a patient-oriented prospective study examining trajectories of functioning in children with autism. BMJ Open


Rozenblat, S.², Shimshoni, Y., Lebowitz, E., Perez, M.², & Koller, J. (2023). A pilot trial of SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions) in autism. Child Psychiatry & Human Development

Ilan, M., Faroy, M., Zachor, D., Manelis, L., Waissengreen, D., Michaelovski, A., Avni, I., Menashe, I., Koller, J., Dinstein, I., & Meiri, G. (2023). Children with autism exhibit similar longitudinal changes in core symptoms when placed in special or mainstream education settings. Autism.

Nitzan, T.², Koller, J., Ilan, M., Faroy, M., Michaelovski, A., Menashe, I., Dinstein, I., & Meiri, G. (2022). Early ASD diagnosis is associated with larger language impairments in public healthcare settings. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities


Graucher, T.², Sinai-Gavrilov, Y.², Mor, Y., Netzer, S., Cohen, E., Levi, L., Birenboim, T., & Koller, J. (2022). From clinic room to zoom: Delivery of an evidence-based, parent-mediated intervention in the community before and during the pandemic. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

Arazi, A., Koller, J., Zachor, D. A., Golan, O., Sadaka, Y., Eytan, D., Stolar, E., Atzva-Poria, N., Golan, H., Menashe, I., Meiri, G., Gabis, L., & Dinstein, I. (2022). Home-quarantine during the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Israel: Parent perceived impact on children with ASD. Heliyon.

Koller, J., David, T.², Bar, N.², & Lebowitz, E. R. (2022). The role of family accommodation of RRBs in disruptive behavior among children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,


Gabbay-Dizdar, N., Ilan, M., Meiri, G., Faroy, M., Michaelovski, A., Flusser, H., Menashe, I., Koller, J., Zachor, D., & Dinstein, I. (2021). Early diagnosis of ASD in the community leads to marked social improvements within 1-2 years. Autism.

Werner S., Gumpel T.P., Koller J., Wiesenthal V., Weintraub N. (2021) Can self-efficacy mediate between knowledge of policy, school support, and teacher attitudes towards inclusive education? PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257657.

Koller, J., Shalev, R.², Schallamach, C.², Gumpel, T.P., & Begin M. (2021). The role of demographics in the age of autism diagnosis in Jerusalem. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities,


Dinstein, I., Arazi, A., Golan, H.M., Koller, J. et al. (2020). The National Autism Database of Israel: A resource for studying autism risk factors, biomarkers, outcome measures, and treatment efficacy. Journal of  Molecular Neuroscience.

Ben-Itzhak, E., Koller, J. & Zachor, D. (2020). Characterization and prediction of anxiety in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A longitudinal study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,

Gumpel, T.P., Koller, J., Weintraub, N., Werner, S., & Wiesenthal, V. (2020). The 3P model for creating sustainable educational reform: An epilogue to the special issue. Journal of Educational Administration,

Koller, J. & Lebowitz, E. (2020). Family accommodation in autism spectrum disorder. In: Volkmar, F. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorder (general entry). Springer, New York


Koller, J. (2020). The role of demographics in the age of autism diagnosis. In: Volkmar, F. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorder (general entry). Springer, New York


Feldman, I.², Koller, J., Lebowitz, E., Ben-Itzchak, E., Shulman, C., & Zachor, D. (2019). Family accommodation in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities,

Koller, J. & Georgiades, S. (2019). Letter to the Editor: The balance between demands and capacity in autism. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology


Macari, S.¹, Koller, J¹, Campbell, D. & Chawarska, K. (2017). Temperamental markers in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(7), 819-828. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12710.

Koller, J., Levy, M., Weisenthal, V., & Gumpel, T. P. (2017). Inclusion in Israel. In: M. L. Wehmeyer & J. R. Patton (Eds.), Handbook of International Special Education. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.


Kim, S.H., Macari, S., Koller, J. & Chawarska, K. (2016). Examining the phenotypic heterogeneity of early autism spectrum disorder: Subtypes and short-term outcomes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57(1), 93-102. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12448 

¹equal contribution      ²graduate student

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